Detailing Equipment & Spot-Free Water Systems

Our detailing equipment and spot-free water systems and custom rigs are great for: Car Dealerships, Marinas, Car Rental Agencies, Detail Shops, Truck Fleets, & More... Our systems keep your cars and boats showroom bright without spots or streaks. Our spot-free water detailing systems come in 4 configurations to suit your needs:

Complete Trailer Rigs | 4-Wheelers | 125 Gallon Rigs | Spot-Free Water Racks

Our spot-free water systems:

Let cars air dry without spots or streaks, leaving behind a beautiful spot-free finish.
Eliminate the expense of drying exteriors, windows and chrome by hand.
Are fast and clean up to 30 cars an hour (about 2 minutes each).
Are low cost and low maintenance, saving you time and money.
Are completely portable and come with 100 feet of hose.
Contain filters that purify water and remove stain-causing mineral substances.
Use high pressure to eliminate unsightly dust and grime.

Contact JP's today to learn more about our spot-free water detailing systems and our easy tank rental and replacement service that saves you time and money! Because you rent our tanks instead of buying, no capital investment is required. We come and replace your tanks as they are depleted, saving you time and money. This saves you the time and cost involved in servicing the equipment!

We duplicate virtually any Tube or Hose - Metric or American!

pressure washing detailing equipment repairs hydraulics hoses pumps
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